AP Ration Card Correction of Name – Check the Simple process

The state government of Andhra Pradesh issues ration cards to families. Basically, every family has a head who is considered to be the ration card holder. Other family members are added to the ration card under the cardholder. It is often observed that there can be minor spelling mistakes or changes of names in the

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Reported by Praveen Singh

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The state government of Andhra Pradesh issues ration cards to families. Basically, every family has a head who is considered to be the ration card holder. Other family members are added to the ration card under the cardholder. It is often observed that there can be minor spelling mistakes or changes of names in the existing ration card. Thus, it is necessary that the ration card holders get all the details corrected in it. Incorrect details might lead to problems in the future including non-issuance of the ration card. Authorities in the state understand this problem; thus, they have curated a method of correcting names on the ration card. Read the subsequent article in order to make corrections to names in the ration card of Andhra Pradesh.

AP Ration Card Correction of Name

AP ration card has a lot of perks to offer to the candidates who hold it. Ration card holders not only get subsidised prices on Russians and commodities, but they are also able to prove their underprivileged background or residences through it. A ration card also serves as valid identity proof. Furthermore, families are added under the ration card holder, which implies that it can also be proof of family. There can be a case in which the name of the ration card holder or family members is incorrect in the card. Citizens are advised to get their details corrected in the document carefully.

AP Ration Card Correction of Name in Ration Card

Details Needed in Correction of Names

In order to get the names corrected in the Andhra Pradesh ration card, the authorities require the candidates to submit certain documents. These documents will prove that the requested change is valid. Furthermore, it is a part of the name change or correction process. The authorities in the state of Andhra Pradesh require ensuing documents to process the request for AP ration card correction of names:

  • Existing ration card details.
  • Contact number
  • Email ID.
  • Aadhaar card of the person whose name has to be corrected.
  • Income proof of the family.
  • Cast certificate.
  • Filled out the application form
  • Any other document as required by the authorities.

Apply For AP Ration Card Correction of Names

The authorities have allowed the citizens to make a request for the correction of names. This request is processed by the respective department that concerns the issuance of ration cards. Andhra Pradesh government has made available an application form for the correction of names on the ration card. Potential candidates need to retrieve the form from the particular office or visit the state’s established health centers. They can also visit their nearest ration distribution point. Any of the authoritative people in these offices will be able to hand out the form.

The citizens will have to fill out the form correctly. They need to mention the details of the person whose name is wrongly mentioned in the ration card. Furthermore, all the aforementioned documents need to be attached to the filled-out form. This form needs to be submitted by the candidates to the respective authority. The government will send messages on the mobile number entered in the form in order to update the applicant.