At JharkhandPost, we are dedicated to providing our readers with the latest and most accurate news on education, career and government schemes in India. Our team of experienced journalists and researchers work tirelessly to bring you the information you need to stay informed and make informed decisions about your education and career.
We understand the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the education and career sectors, and we are committed to delivering this information to our readers in a timely and accurate manner. Our website,, is the go-to source for the latest news, analysis and commentary on education, career and government schemes in India.
We are proud to be a leading news provider in India, and we are committed to maintaining our high standards of journalism and integrity. We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and we look forward to serving you for all your education, career and government schemes news needs.
For any queries or feedback, please contact us here. We are always happy to hear from our readers and strive to respond promptly to all inquiries.
Writer & Chief Editor- Praveen Kumar Singh
Praveen Kumar Singh is a writer and Chief Editor for Jharkhand who has a postgraduate degree. He loves writing about government schemes, home loans, personal loans, and government jobs. He provides useful and easy-to-understand information to his readers on these topics. Praveen’s writing helps people understand the latest trends in finance and government employment. He is a respected writer who is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. You can find him on Linkedin.